Press Release: Coastal States Organization Hires New Executive Director Coastal States Organization (CSO) has hired Derek Brockbank to be their new Executive Director. CSO represents the nation’s coastal States, Territories, and Commonwealths on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resource and policy issues. Brockbank brings two decades of experience in coastal adaptation policy and organizational development, most recently serving as Executive Director of American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA). He previously served as the campaign director for a coalition of conservation organizations working to restore coastal Louisiana, and as climate adaptation and field manager at National Wildlife Federation.
“Derek’s knowledge of how to shape and influence coastal policy in Congress and across federal agencies will be critical to coastal States and Territories, particularly as a new administration comes in and new Congress begins,” said Steve Couture, Chair of CSO and Administrator of the New Hampshire Coastal Program. “Additionally, Derek’s demonstrated leadership will help CSO continue to grow in influence and capacity as the threats and opportunities facing U.S. coastline increase.”
“I am humbled and honored to be taking the helm of Coastal States Organization. For over fifty years, CSO has played an essential role in connecting the State and Territorial coastal programs with federal policy and decision-making in Washington, DC. I look forward to working with the coastal States, Commonwealths, and Territories, federal agencies, Congress, and other partners to address the unprecedented coastal challenges posed by climate change, and ongoing coastal hazards. In partnership, we can make coastlines more resilient, while supporting the multiple uses of coastal resources” said Derek Brockbank.
Outgoing CSO Executive Director, Bradley Watson, will continue at CSO for a short transition period as a Senior Advisor as his family relocates to South Florida to support his wife’s career.
“It has been a privilege to lead the Coastal States Organization and to work with the dedicated members, staff, and partners in the coastal community. As I depart for the next steps in my career, I am proud of the close ties and formal partnerships we have cultivated with NOAA, USACE, FEMA, EPA, Congress, and many NGO partners. Having worked with Derek for many years, I am confident he will be a passionate and effective leader for CSO,” said Bradley Watson. CSO Chair, Steve Couture, added, “I speak for coastal managers across the country in thanking Bradley for his leadership and service, and to wish him well in his next pursuits.”
CSO has a long-standing relationship with ASBPA, demonstrated by the recent release of their Joint Beach and Inlet Management Policy. Brockbank’s move from ASBPA to CSO will foster further collaboration between the organizations.
“Derek is an excellent choice to lead CSO. ASBPA looks forward to working in even closer alignment with CSO on coastal management issues facing our nation,” said Tony Pratt, President of ASBPA and, as retired Administrator of Shoreline and Waterway Management for the State of Delaware, former delegate to CSO.
Brockbank’s first day at Coastal States Organization will be February 8, 2021. After this date he can be reached at or 917-536-6878.