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Recommendations: Sediment Placement Regulations Of U.S. Coastal States and Territories

March 1, 2023

Joint sediment management policy recommendations from ASBPA and CSO. Key recommendations from the joint report Sediment Placement Regulations of U.S. Coastal States and Territories: Towards Regional Sediment Management Implementation, developed by the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) and Coastal States Organization (CSO) with support from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR). The report provides a comparative analysis of federal- and state-level regulations on placing sediment in the coastal zone, with best practices, success stories and recommendations. The report synthesizes national and regional policy summaries, setting out the regulatory, funding, and procedural lay of the land for BUDM projects based on input from nearly 50 subject matter expert interviews and 7 regional workshops held across 2022, bringing together 250+ state and federal coastal managers and regulators and 25 presentations on BUDM success stories.

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